
Cyberpunk 2077 Now It's Cyberpunk 2079

Votes: 4
Website | OpenCritic: 76 (63% recommend) | Discuss
GOG | Steam | Other Stores


Votes: 5
Website | OpenCritic: 90 (96% recommend)
Steam |

God of War Dad of Boy There Was... A Horse

Votes: 5
Website | OpenCritic: 94 (98% recommend)
Steam | Playstation
Show 2 Reviews

Splatoon 3

Votes: 5
Website | OpenCritic: 83 (93% recommend)
Nintendo Store
Show 3 Reviews

Reviews of God of War:
This late arrival to the PC is already old news to many, but it's clear to me why God of War was hailed as a triumph of cinematic storytelling games. The writing is among the best I've seen in games and Judge's acting is only the finest of an outstanding cast. I just wish it had less sidequest grind.
Not played any other GoW games, and in one entry Kratos has shot up the list of my favourite game characters. He's the only My Dead Family Angry Game Man I've ever cared this much about. I want to buy him a weighted blanket and read him a story. He'd better be okay in Ragnarok, my heart cant take it
Reviews of Splatoon 3:
And I thought I would never enjoy a shooter game. OK, so I use almost all melee weapons, but they're so fun to use - as is everything else with this wonderfully polished and creative game. The winning metric being "ground painted" rather than "heads shot" makes this very welcoming.
Winner of the best game I didn't play much of award. Because it's extremely good but I'm very bad at it. Still doing more inventive stuff with the verb of "shoot" than basically anything else despite being the third game. No-one's tried!
An incredible improvement to Splatoon 2, with a singleplayer campaign which rivals 2's Octo Expansion, game-changing updates to the Salmon Run co-op horde mode, and (for the most part) a much more balanced multiplayer. The netcode still sucks though...
Hardspace: Shipbreaker

Votes: 6
Website | OpenCritic: 83 (92% recommend)
Show 2 Reviews

The Case of the Golden Idol

Votes: 6
Website | OpenCritic: 87 (94% recommend)
Steam | GOG | Humble

Reviews of Hardspace: Shipbreaker:
I whiled away many an hour peacefully ripping apart giant spaceships in the void while playing podcasts and (apparently) union organizing. Really satisfying to get that last little bit exactly right - the feeling of mastery over a fictional profession when I finished was really special!
A gem throughout Early Access, the final game has some unfortunate user experience decisions but is otherwise excellent. The shift system is a gentle way to add time pressure while allowing you to learn and experiment and taking apart ships is pure joy.
Sifu Sorry I Fucked Up? Saturday I Fucked Up?

Votes: 6
Website | OpenCritic: 81 (84% recommend)
Epic Store | Switch | Playstation
Show 1 Review

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Warhammer 40,000: Dorktide

Votes: 7
Website | OpenCritic: 75 (60% recommend)
Steam | Microsoft
Show 3 Reviews

Reviews of Sifu:
This was the first fighting game that I enjoyed playing. Though I did have to look up some tips and tricks on YT.
Reviews of Warhammer 40,000: Darktide:
Best grib bosh.
A triumph of aesthetics and gameplay, there's nothing better than a making it through a tough encounter with 3 pals all while the most incredibly synth music goes wild in the background and a Tech Priestess berates you. Characters are even still endearing despite the custom character creator.
This is definitely here partly just because I'm not sure I've actually played more than 5 games this year. But it gets the award for most potential for sure. Currently it's disappointing due to a lack of story, bad monetisation, unfinished crafting systems, but I could see it being great with work.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Votes: 7
Website | OpenCritic: 86 (96% recommend) | Discuss
Steam | Switch
Show 2 Reviews

Marvel Snap

Votes: 9
Website | OpenCritic: 84 (100% recommend) | Discuss
Steam | Android | iOS
Show 1 Review

Reviews of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak:
Big shout-out to the @Mon Hunto 100 crew for being a blast to play with every single time. I'd promise that I'll try to cart less this year, but we both know that's not true.
Do big bonk make vampire dragon ANGY! My 2021 GOTY gets upgraded with Gothic horror classics. While the endgame is as grindy as ever, the expansion's mechanical tweaks really added to what I find to be one of the most satisfying and compelling action game series I've had the pleasure to play. HONK.
Reviews of Marvel Snap:
I put more hours into this game than any other game this year. This is a good thing and a bad thing

The Best Games of 2022

Victoria 3
Game of the Year Votes: 2
Runner-Up Votes: 5
Reviews: 2
OpenCritic: 82 (94% recommend)
Steam | Paradox
There's no kinder way to say it: Victoria 3 is incomplete. But even with all that it's missing, it's still a supremely compelling and even, at times, exciting economic simulation, and the first game in years that I got so into that I forgot to eat. When it gets the expansions it needs, hoo boy.
Game made Communism OP, and is therefore the most accurate depiction of politics. More Paradox spreadsheet goodness, but oh my is it satisfying to improve standards of living and literacy rates.
Marvel's Midnight Suns
Game of the Year Votes: 2
Runner-Up Votes: 5
OpenCritic: 82 (89% recommend)
Epic Store | Steam
God of War Ragnarök Dad of Boy Dadrök
Game of the Year Votes: 2
Runner-Up Votes: 5
OpenCritic: 93 (98% recommend)
Dwarf Fortress Dorf Fortress FINALLY Strike The Earth!
Game of the Year Votes: 2
Runner-Up Votes: 10
Reviews: 1
OpenCritic: 90 (89% recommend)
Steam |
My hospital turned into a wereape charnel house so I bricked it closed. It didn't help.
Neon White
Game of the Year Votes: 3
Runner-Up Votes: 4
Reviews: 1
OpenCritic: 89 (99% recommend)
Steam | Switch
I'm a freak. But also Neon White does a fantastic job of teaching you to be good at the game, just little bread crumbs to trick you into speed running.
Game of the Year Votes: 5
Runner-Up Votes: 5
Reviews: 1
OpenCritic: 86 (89% recommend)
Steam | Xbox
Feels impossibly big to sum up adequately despite ironically being very small scale; how the life of ordinary people, no matter what era, are affected by events, both big and small. Contains some of the best textbox gags for dialogue, it keeps finding another one to say something new. Looks gorgeous
Tunic Congratulations, Andrew! Haligonian of the Year 2022 Still, Even You Don't Get To Capitalise The Title Not Here, In My Domain, Where I Wield Ultimate Power
Game of the Year Votes: 5
Runner-Up Votes: 10
Reviews: 4
OpenCritic: 85 (93% recommend)
Steam | Switch | Xbox | Playstation
This is the first game ever that's made me nostalgic for a feeling I didn't know I missed: That feeling of getting a new game and thumbing through the manual, getting excited about everything you're going to get to do and see.
A puzzle game disguised as a zelda clone, and a great one at that. Solving the small puzzles that make up the game made me feel clever. Solving the Big Puzzle made me feel like the smartest person alive.
Masterful design from top to bottom. Combat feels satisfying enough to suffice and actually gets fun in the later parts, but it's untangling the intricately woven web of puzzles that makes this truly special. Ended up doing everything and was staggered by just how many layers there were.
Take a triangle formed by Dark Souls, Zelda, and Fez: Tunic sits right in the middle of that. The manual conceit is wonderful, the soundtrack's lovely and moody; combat's slightly weak, but they let you ignore it if you want. Some real hard puzzlin', but it's worth it. Just great.
Vampire Survivors
Game of the Year Votes: 7
Runner-Up Votes: 26
Reviews: 6
OpenCritic: 87 (100% recommend)
Man, woman, dog, person, skeleton runs around. Things come out. Lights flash. Enemies die. Top tier experience.
If you've not played this game, stop what you are doing, go to Steam, buy it for a few quid and then play it until it clicks. I then apologise for causing you to not stop playing the game.
Simple perfection
The first time I saw someone play Vampire Survivors, it looked like the dumbest game in the world. A few months later, I found myself 20 hours in, grinding out the last few achievements. Not only is the game fun and addictive, but it also has a meta layer that's surprisingly funny at times.
Incredibly simple, incredibly satisfying. I don't normally get into this sort of thing but there's a new toy around every corner.
Takuna 🙆
For something so unassuming, this hits far above its weight class. It's so fully focused on rewarding and exciting you for engaging with its deep systems, that I've lost entire evenings just seeing what new crazy builds I can win with! The yellow sign moment was also weirdly unique and chilling.
Citizen Sleeper
Game of the Year Votes: 8
Runner-Up Votes: 10
Reviews: 5
OpenCritic: 84 (100% recommend)
Steam | GOG | Epic | Humble Xbox | Switch
Absolutely gorgeous thematically, narratively, and visually. It made me do the good ol' Civ "just one more turn" and played the main stories to completion in one sitting until 2am.
This game made me cry. It made me consider what it means to be alive. It impressed upon me the lesson that human connection and community are the things that keep us going in a capitalist dystopia. How it does all this using only dice and text is a magic trick I still don't quite understand.
Incredible cyberpunk writing married to a pretty decent game system that runs out of constraints a bit sooner than it ought to.
Thoughtful, complex, and heartfelt.
A game full of deeply human stories about life after corporate collapse, sold by top tier writing, simple and yet engaging gameplay mechanics, and an atmospheric soundtrack that brings it all together.
Elden Ring Not ELDEN RING Stop Capitalising Your Game Titles You're Not That Special I Mean, You Are The GOTY, But Still
Game of the Year Votes: 28
Runner-Up Votes: 27
Reviews: 15 | Discuss
OpenCritic: 95 (98% recommend)
Steam | Playstation | Xbox
The game of the year for everyone was only defeated because I also finished Dark Souls. An excellent open world game which, despite occasional cruft, kept me hooked until the end. Rock Sling for life!
Absolutely amazing game of constant discovery and expanding horizons. Could have better PC optimisation (i.e. performance and controls; Sekiro shows they know how to do it), and could have an in-game thematically appropriate way of tracking quests. Other than that, I have no other gripes that amount to anything significant.
I had to take a long break from this game because I would have no-lifed it. I am content to just sit in its areas and drink in the view. The bosses are grotesque and dignified all at once, leaning into the ugliness of fairy tales and myths and creating beauty in the process.
Other games have tried to copy the Souls formula and expand on it in their own ways but none have done it so well as Elden Ring by taking the best elements of every FromSoft Souls game and distilling it into a single game while also setting it in a open world.
I've rewritten this review like 5 times now, so I'll just leave it at saying that this is probably the best game I've ever played and refer you to the many other reviews this game has no doubt received from the community.
I played TMNT on a Steam Deck; You can play Elden Ring on one of those. I played GT7 on a Playstation 5 Controller; you can play Elden Ring on one. I played DDR on a dance pad; some people can play Elden Ring on one. I played Zwift on a bike; I guess I should try playing Elden Ring on one.
Too addictive.
Open world Dark Souls and it has the playlength of two From Software games combined. It kept me busy, and I liked it.
I still haven't finished it, but it's beautiful, expansive and awesome.
They did it again. Taking their worlds of layers of history to the logical next step of physically selling the scale of building on top of predecessors. Had to alter my build slightly to be able to wield an engagement gift. Spirit summons are a perfect extra tool to the usual array of challenge aids
Another year, another From top-spot. Bigger than any previous effort but no less hand-crafted, this game keeps zooming out into ever more fantastical environs, bosses, and sparked joy from start to end.
I don't need to tell you why Elden Ring is good, because you've heard it five thousand times over. It's not perfect, but FromSoftware games never try to be and that's part of the charm. One of the most deep and enthralling open-world RPGs of all time; I'll be coming back for years to come.
Takuna 🙆
It's an absolutely solid new soulsborne game from the soulsborne studio. It has all the fundamentals to stand shoulder to shoulder with everything that's come before... But, my word, the SCALE. Even with the repetition of various enemy and boss types, it still feels impossibly lavish and deliberate.
I ran out of steam at the 11th hour and didn't finish it, but it's still one of the best games I've played this year. Some repeated content didn't dampen my enthusiasm for exploring at all, and I went on hours-long trips just to see what was over that ridge or if I could climb that mountain.
It's no use. Elden Ring captured me completely. An excellent example off all it's forms--action adventure, boss battler, open world, souls-like, fashion show. Accidentally got married for eternity and was given a massive spouse who wants to tear down the old gods. 13/10, no notes.

Honourable Mentions

Strong contenders that just didn't make it into the top 20.
(Click underlined items to see reviews.)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II
Dota 2
Do you really need a review?
Still the worst game I've played for over 4000 hours.
I'm going to be honest, I'm not entirely sure I know what was going on but really enjoyed the weird vampire/angel vibe
Went in expecting a cool little throwback to the classic days of Resi + Silent Hill wrapped in some gorgeous art design. Got that, but the way the story builds was an unexpected and compelling bonus that rocketed this up my estimations in the trailing weeks of the year.
Slay the Spire
still the best digital card game, daily runs have become a nice habit for me
Total War: Warhammer III
Arma 3
Yes, the game is literally a decade old now, but its thriving mod scene means that I as a mission maker get to play around with terrain deformation and oops all trench warfare. 10/10 would rescue the Hello Kitty Golf while designing platoon murder missions again.
Playing ARMA III every weekend or so over the course of 2022 has been an absolute delight. Frequently strange and unwieldy, the game's systems combine with a lovely community enable intense firefights, heroic rescues, and hilarious disasters.
Destiny 2
The live-service model sucks for anybody not keeping up with it. But I'm keeping up with it, and then it works gloriously.
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
something something free trial
I'm not sure it would be a QuantumJump GOTY list if I didn't manage to shoehorn FFXIV in somehow. I played this a lot less this year than last, as it's patches rather than a full expansion, but I continued with my first experience doing high-end raiding, which was super fun!
Horizon Zero Dawn
First step towards redemption for the Dutch.
Hunt: Showdown
Creepy atmosphere in a dark cabin playing a ritualistic card game with a strange man. Amazing! The first Act alone would have made this the game of the year. The middle part was a bit of a disappointment though.
Persona 5 Royal
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
The shake-up Pokémon needed, though it loses points for having unnecessary dodge-roll boss fights, including one against God themselves
I am never not smiling when playing this game. Every inch of it is full of love. The characters are all extremely charming, full of little flourishes in their animations and dialogue that make spending your limited time with them a treat every time. Also Saffron is very pretty :)
Delightfully animated shop management with a really smart card game reflecting dealing with The Public in retail. Take stress instead of damage, which makes more stress, and you can bail at any time, so being too stressed is all your fault. Also instead of paying a debt you have to win a contest.
PowerWash Simulator
This game, no joke, got me through some of the most stressful stretches of 2022. One of those "manual job sims" that's just a touch more detailed than it really needed to be, coupled with a campaign that just piles delightful absurdity onto the inherent joy of blasting dirt away.
Splooooooooooooosh. Supremely satisfying, simple but effective. There's been a ton of 'simulators' but this is hands-down the most compelling of the bunch, and it even tosses a fun little narrative in to boot.
Return to Monkey Island
Amazing vibes and unique aesthetics. A story about finding you purpose in the world. Lots of fun climbing. Somehow I managed to complete it without upgrading my climbing stamina (didn't know that I could do that).
The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe
It made me laugh a lot. (again)
Against the Storm
Chivalry 2
"Here's a kind of excellent, dumb discourse!" - Mason Knight, 2022
Cult of the Lamb
Dead by Daylight
Dead Cells
Death Stranding
Deep Rock Galactic
Disco Elysium: The Final Cut
A robust, elegant building system and beautiful world make this a survival crafting game worth your time.
Hitman World of Assassination
Horizon Forbidden West
This game asks you to return to the world of Devil Daggers, where you must survive an ever growing hoard of demons, but this to do it faster and with more style.
Into the Breach
Advanced Edition, specifically. It's mostly just here as AE reminded me what a perfect game it is, in a literal sense; without flaw. If strategy puzzles are your bag, this is the best there is.
Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered
the only game to recognise the supremacy of Spider-Man 2 for the PS2 as the greatest superhero game ever.
Monster Train
Outer Wilds
Path of Exile
Got into the scary skill forest game this year and it's both as bad and not as bad as it looks. Also inexplicably has a campaign of 10 acts now which are fun to muddle through. Then nearly a decade of weird extra systems like tower defence or doing heists when your only verb is kill lots of monsters
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
OK so it's a mess. But it's a fun mess. Firstly and most importantly, the new Pokemon designs are amazing. Secondly - a Pokemon game with an actually good story? Who would have thought? The raid mechanics have some interesting strategy; if only they weren't more broken than a dropkicked vase.
I get to be friends with Pokémon and this makes me endlessly happy.
Ready or Not
Rogue Legacy 2
Down in the less effusive tiers, this is just a really solid action roguelike with a lot of replayability. Like a LOT. I fear the madman capable of seeing it all.
Sniper Elite 5
I had avoided Sniper Elite because I find gore-obsessed X-ray killcams distasteful, but turning those off allowed me to see the exceptionally polished stealth and sniping sim that underpins the 5th entry in this series. A sumptuous depiction of the WW2-era French countryside doesn't hurt, either.
Strange Horticulture
Great atmosphere and satisfying plant-tagging. Just enough weirdness not to be just a job simulator.
Short and sweet, Strange Horticulture is a game of plant identification and puzzle solving. You unravel a series of mysteries while providing potions to customers by cross-referencing multiple incomplete sources of information about plants. Absolutely lovely, a little bit spooky, an easy 2nd place.
Terra Invicta
Show me the real X-Com. No, the Real real X-Com. A grand strategy where you play as an ideological response/shadow government to the alien arrival. Incredibly detailed where it needs to be, but nowhere near as obtuse as it could be.
I have looked at the games I played in 2022 and this is definitely one of them, earning it a place in this list. I did end up spending a long time with it trying to figure out the game, it's very different to pretty much everything else.
If you enjoy puzzling through new slightly wonky mechanics and reading lots of long posts for discussion this was a good fit. The metagame of working out how to play the game is better than the game itself in early access, but that's ok.
The Forgotten City
A Roman time loop mystery that avoids the usual pitfalls and is scoped to perfection.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Trombone Champ
📯📯📯📯📯🐒📯📯📯📯📯As the most righteous and powerful servant of Babi said: TOOT MELLIFLUOUSLY AND EAT HOT DOGS 📯📯📯📯📯🌭📯📯📯📯📯
Warhammer: Vermintide 2
Another multiplayer wonder, I hadn't played much Vermintide prior to 2022. Playing with various off- and online friends allowed me to really get into the swing of things, which mostly involves swinging things into large numbers of gribbly folks. The melee is absolutely lovely, but it's too grindy.

Special Consideration

Wonderful games recommended by just one member of the community.
Titles in bold were that member's Game of the Year!
(Click underlined items to see reviews.)
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition
Blood Bowl 2 - Legendary Edition
Bully: Scholarship Edition
Dark Souls: Remastered
;) ;) ;) But actually, I finally finished this seminal RPG this year, including the DLC, and it was just an amazing experience. Edged out ELDEN RING for the top spot due to its focus.
Genshin Impact
Supremely satisfying word puzzles. Good words, good noises, a wiggly rabbit creature who thinks you're the best no matter your solve time, and extremely generous catch-up mechanics for the daily puzzles. Every time a word turns out to be "akimbo" or "bulbous" I finish the puzzle smiling a little.
Monster Prom 3: Monster Roadtrip
Sea of Thieves
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
I ended up learning that I love a genre of game I haven't played in years and had completely written off. Coop was easy to jump into. The VCR mode looks nice. This was a perfect Christmas Break game. It was perfectly short, nostalgic, and has enough to keep me replaying with new characters.
The Ascent
Total War: Rome Remastered
Despite the damage done to the UI, it's nice to play this without frame drops and crashes. Hoping for Medieval 2 next.
TrackMania Sunrise eXtreme
I tried TrackMania 2020 this year and it's a great game, but its closed ecosystem and subscription fee turned me off and made me return to TrackMania Sunrise and its free eXtreme update, a favourite from my childhood. Building custom steering wheel-friendly Coast tracks brings me joy.
Free-to-play 3rd person space ninja shooty slashy space combat open world mining conservation fishing skateboarding mech game. 4500 hours says I can't be wrong because the alternative is too painful to contemplate.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
20 Minutes Till Dawn
Aperture Desk Job
A Plague Tale: Requiem
Arkham Horror: The Card Game
As Dusk Falls
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Astalon: Tears of the Earth
A surprise 5th place after I'd eliminated the rest of my 2022 list. It's an odd duck; you could call it a run-based metroidvania, I suppose, or a La Mulana that doesn't hate you. Had a real nice feel to it.
Bayonetta 3
Betrayal At Club Low
Those who have been paying attention to my selections may be noticing a pattern - this was the year of From Software for me! I loved a lot of this game, but did not finish it because the end is repetitive. What amazing ideas though!
Chicory: A Colorful Tale
Clockwork Kingdom
Crusader Kings III
Dance Dance Revolution
Dark Souls II
Takuna 🙆
Look, they're still good games. And this is the original DS2, no less! Revisiting this version specifically, I do think that the enemy placement was more interesting and fun the first time around, rather than the remix in SotFS. Too bad I fumbled my no-death run... on the very last (easy) boss...
DCS World
Destiny 2: The Witch Queen
Devil May Cry 5
I wish Legendary Dark Knight mode was not exclusive to PS5. But now that I have a PS5, I gladly bought the game again to have it.
Dicey Dungeons
Disco Elysium
Disc Room
Disney Dreamlight Valley
I don't have a great deal of affinity for either Disney or the Animal Crossing style of games, yet for some reason I just kept coming back to this. Very pretty, packed with charm, and a responsive, communicative dev team that look to have an exciting year lined up ahead for Dreamlight Valley.
Distant Worlds 2
Dome Keeper
Downfall - A Slay the Spire Fan Expansion
Dying Light 2 Stay Human
Escape from Tarkov
I can't stop playing this what the hell is wrong with me? Inventory Tetris, that's what's wrong.
A beautiful, strange boardgame about exploring the world of dreams. You are constantly adrift, having to feel your way into mechanics, puzzles, and goals, but eventually things make a sort of strange dream logic sense. One of my favorite boardgame experiences.
Evil Dead: The Game
Factorio: Space Exploration
Fallout 76
Farthest Frontier
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Never having played the original FFVII, this is my first foray into the world of Midgar. I now get why this game is a favourite of so many people, although I can't give it the top spot, as I had to step away from the game only a short way in. Maybe next year!
Final Fantasy XV
This was my first Final Fantasy, so I can confirm its claim to be newcomer-friendly. Features delicious-looking food that I'd like to see in more video-games, please.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Frog Detective 3: Corruption at Cowboy County
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy
Takuna 🙆
Ok, I know this has a reputation for being mean to the player and, well, it is. But! There is something here which you can genuinely master. There is a mountain to climb, but I discovered higher ascents as I chased the 50-wins achievement. I never would have thought I could get a sub-10 min run!
Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut
Going Medieval
Gotham Knights
Gran Turismo 7
Had you asked me if this would make my list a month after release I'd have confidently told you 'No.' They improved the monetization situation to the point where I don't notice it. I'm mostly there for easy to jump into multiplayer lobbies, which are easier to jump into than iRacing.
Grim Dawn
Hearts of Iron IV: Kaiserreich
Mixing it up with a mod this year, the Kaiserreich mod for HoI4 is full of so much content, keeps getting updated, and allows me to cosplay as esoteric leftist movements in the UK. What's not to love?
Hellish Quart
Hell Let Loose
Hollow Knight
Hyper Light Drifter
Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth
Landlord of the Woods
Last Call BBS
Last Epoch
Life Is Strange: True Colors
A more personal, less supernatural take on the Life Is Strange formula full of believable characters that aren't afraid to show their flaws.
Lonely Mountains: Downhill
I'll never stop complaining that this game's physics system is set to lunar gravity, but its gorgeous flat-shaded, low-poly art is as unstoppable as its bikes after they launch into orbit off a tiny pebble. It reminded me of better times when I rode my own mountain bike along forest paths. On the moon.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Marvel Puzzle Quest
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
Mass Effect Legendary Edition
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Metroid Dread
Takuna 🙆
They did it. They finally did it. After all these years, it's a good Metroid game. The E.M.M.I. robots were as scary as advertised, and I had some of the most fun when I was forced into one of the dreaded zones they prowl about: having to hide in corners, or make desperate mad dashes for safety.
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Obviously this isn't going to be everyone's idea of a great game, but as I've recently been getting more interested in the idea of flight, both as a passenger and pilot, I've been really enjoying myself with this.
Moving Out
Settlement management disguised as Minecraft.
Need for Speed Unbound
Nobody Saves the World
No Man's Sky
Old World
Opus Magnum
Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye
Per Aspera
Perfect Tides
Pillars of Eternity
Pokémon GO
Project Zomboid
Arguably the most overlooked of Supergiant Games' productions, but it manages to invent a simple fantasy sport which remains exciting right until the credits roll, while telling an emotive story that just keeps coming.
Quantum Protocol
Redactle Unlimited
Return of the Obra Dinn
Horrible and beautiful.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Shadows Over Loathing
A very worthy followup to West of Loathing and just a firehose of jokes, puns and goofs. Might have been my GOTY if I'd had more time with it.
Shin Megami Tensei V
Sid Meier's Civilization VI
Slice & Dice
Soulstone Survivors
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly, GAMMA Modpack
A 350+ modpack balancing on top of a fanmade mod fork of another 15 year old game. Spent three hours in the wastes with a gun so broken it was functionally bolt-action, wearing a gas mask so busted I couldn't see, choosing between irradiation and aiming in every firefight. Welcome to the Zone!
Stardew Valley
Star Wars Galaxies
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Star Wars: Republic Commando
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury
Sylvie Lime
Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum 'n' Fun!
Tales of Arise
Teamfight Tactics
Teenage Blob
The Cycle: Frontier
The Looker
The New York Times Crossword
The Pedestrian
The Quarry
Tiny Rogues
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
Triangle Strategy
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
Two Worlds
It's not good but I like it.
I killed an angel by ricocheting a coin into the back of his neck with a bullet.
UNBEATABLE [white label]
Under A Star Called Sun
Urbek City Builder
Brilliantly proving that city builders don't need to be city simulators, Urbek ditches traffic and demand sims in favour of a chill, almost puzzle-like experience of plopping buildings and managing resources, and its Chile-inspired urban voxel architecture makes it both beautiful and unique.
V Rising
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4e
WRC Generations
I play Zwift differently than most. I don't race. I love pedaling through different locations and watching people pass me. A lap through London can be fun, and struggling up small hills is great. The real key has been experiencing my Watts/kg increase and taking on harder challenges. An A+ MMO.